Wednesday, April 28, 2010

food inc.

"more than a terrific movie, an important movie"

I saw this documentary this weekend (ordered it from Netflix) and I must is another eye-opening experience for me.

It began with watching the show, The Food Revolution with Jamie Kennedy ...which totally grossed me out.....chicken nuggets have forever lost their appeal!! BLAK!!!!

This documentary, Food Inc. is really informative and makes you seriously question the food choices you make and actually is a bit frightening.

We can cover our eyes and not want to see, but seeing it will change the way you view your food. I promise.

As the film says, you get three chances to vote daily and I'm voting!

~Buying local and in season products
~Buying no hormone/antibiotic meats & eggs & FREE RANGE
~Buying organic milk & eggs
~And eating real foods

If you haven't seen the film, see it. If you have, what did you think?

peace~love~and sharing the knowledge,

mrs. mango's

The yummy girls headed up a ways to spend some time at a place called Mrs. Mangos. It's a little store, full of dried herbs, antiques, local honey and some bath and body products.

While you're there, you are always offered a cup of tea and cookies :)

We bought some dried gourds and lavender and sat for a spell.....


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

food revolution

Have you seen Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? I don't know about you, but I must have had my head in a hole in the ground because I didn't know this! :(

YUK! Now, think about the chicken nuggets in those meals that make kids 'happy' and the texture is strange.....not stringy like chicken, but kinda like what Jamie demonstrates in this video.

It is time for a food revolution!

peace~love~and always learning,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

a buzzing bouquet

Our entry in the Etsy Safe Team Spring Challenge! A cute little bouquet of glycerin soaps, smelling of ripe berries, a touch of honeysuckle and a smidge of jasmine.

Notice the little lady bug and buzzing bee? :)

You can cast your vote for your favorite here: etsy safe team blog
